University of Chicago Medical Center Physical Therapist

World-Class Hospital. Great Pay. Flexible Schedule.

What's not to love about this Physical Therapist (PT) assignment? Work for one of the nation's world-class hospitals, offering flexible scheduling, competitive pay, in a respectful friendly workplace. And after work, find out why Conde Nash Traveler ranked Chicago the #1 Big City. You can grab a seat and watch a show, catch a game at Wrigley Field, enjoy a great meal, or spend the afternoon shopping on the Magnificent Mile. This is one Physical Therapist (PT) travel experience you don't want to miss.

Ready to make a move? Let a Cross Country Allied recruiter get you on the road. As one of the largest and most recognized providers of healthcare professionals, we are ready to help you find the job you want and the pay and benefits you deserve. Apply today and find out why 8 out of 10 Physical Therapist were happy with their recruiter, assignment and how well they were treated.

"My most recent PT traveler assignment was great. Appropriate patients, with time to really evaluate and treat."-Physical Therapist, Cross Country Allied